It has everything you like about the Pokémon games on the handheld consoles and brings it to your TV perfectly. You meet interesting characters, go to many different locations and of course, there are a ton of Pokémon for you to capture.
Download free Pokemon emulator software for playing, linking and online rading GBA, Nintendo DS, GameCube, Nintendo 64, Wii and Gameboy Advance. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, hints, tips, tricks, and secrets for Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness for the GameCube (GCN). The whole game is a damn fine RPG in its own right. Pokémon Colosseum GameCube Emulator for Mac. On one hand, the double battle system is a lot of fun, but on the other side of this when you have to turn a Shadow Pokémon, this can be a bit frustrating as I always felt like I was vulnerable. Not only this, but double battles are what you will be doing. The “gimmick” of Pokémon Colosseum is that you need to try and turn Shadow Pokémon back to normal. As good as the Pokémon look though the roster is paper-thin with a little under 50 to catch! Double Up!

The actual battles look really cool and more spectacular than we had ever seen before. This for a very long time was the best that Pokémon had ever looked. I love the way the Pokémon look and while the sound may leave a bit to be desired. This world may not be super detailed, but there is more than enough to keep you interested. It may look a bit dated by today's standards, but back when it was released this was such a massive leap not just from the Pokémon games on the GameBoy Advance, but the Pokémon Stadium games on the Nintendo 64 as well. The presentation of Pokémon Colosseum is fantastic. My only criticism and this is a personal thing here, I was not super into my starters being Umbreon and Espeon, but hey I know some people love these Pokémon. I think the story is pretty solid and it kept me invested the whole time through.